Experimenting with abstract film, Ruttmann made a series of animated films under the name “Opus.” Those fims are experimental audio-visual forms – geometric forms made to classical music, the aim of which was to expand the range of painting onto the audio-visual medium. “Lichtspiel Opus I” was officially presented in front of a bigger audience in 1921 – it was the first public screening of an abstract film in Germany. Making subsequent instalments of the series, Ruttmann improved his technique fundamentally, becoming the leading representative of German film avant-garde of the 1920s.
Lichtspiel Opus I
Production: GER 1921, 12‘
Opus II
Production: GER 1922, 4‘
Opus III
Production: GER 1924, 4‘
Opus IV
Production: GER 1925, 5‘