West Pomerania Shorts 2015

The fifth instalment of the West Pomerania Shorts competition presents the most interesting short film forms produced by the inhabitants of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship.
Submit your original films in any convention, no longer than 35 minutes, to this year's semi-finals of West Pomerania Shorts. The finals will be taking place in Autumn, during Szczecin European Film Festival (October 18th-26th 2015).
If you are a filmmaker based in West Pomerania and would like to confront your work with a wider audience - enter your film to our competition!
We await your submissions until September 3rd 2015. The third "semi-finals" will be taking place on September 13th at 7PM in the cinematic pub Český Film in Szczecin. See you there!
Please send your films and application forms to: the OFFicyna Association, Szczeciński Inkubator Kultury, al. Wojska Polskiego 90, 70 - 482 Szczecin. You can also send a link to your film, e.g. on Vimeo, YouTube, etc., or upload your film file via a website or server, and send us the login details to festival@seff.pl.
Along with your film, please submit the following information (by filling our entry form):
Film title and year of production
Running time
Film format
First and last name(s) of author(s)
Address for correspondence
E-mail address, phone number
Submitting a film to the competition is synonymous with accepting the terms and conditions.
The West Pomerania Shorts competition accepts films no longer than 35 minutes of running time, which need to be delivered personally or by post to the OFFicyna Association office (al. Wojska Polskiego 90, zip code 70-482 Szczecin) on DVD, on an external hard drive or pendrive in the following formats: DVD-Video, MP4, AVI, MPEG. It is also acceptable to send a link to the film, e.g. on Vimeo, YouTube, etc., or share the film file on a website or server. Submitting a film in a format other than those mentioned above must be consulted with thr organiser.
One competitor may submit a maximum of three films to one preliminary presentation.
The submitted works cannot contain unlawful or immoral content. Apart from this, all topics and forms are allowed.
The entrant must own the copyright to the submitted films.
Audience members partaking in the preliminary presentation will be given a voting card with a list of competing films. Following the presentation of all the films, a voting will be held, the results of which will determine which films enter the finals.
Failure to comply with points 1-4 will be grounds to reject the submission.
During the semi-finals, the films will be presented at various venues in Szczecin.
The entrant allows the organiser to use excerpts of their film for promotional purposes that are part of the West Pomerania Shorts competition and Szczecin European Film Festival.
Zgłaszający wyraża zgodę na emisję filmu w ramach pokazów konkursowych Zachodniopomorskich Shortów oraz Szczecin European Film Festival.
The entrant gives the right to the organiser, within the meaning of art. 31 of the Data Protection Act 1997 (Dz. U. from 2002, no. 101, item 926 with later changes), to process their personal data.
Submitting a film to the competition is synonymous with accepting the terms and conditions.
The organiser reserves the right to change these terms and conditions.
Semi-final screenings co-financed by the City of Szczecin:

Media patrons of the semi-final screenings:
