Wszystkie odegrane role

Running time: 14'

“Wszystkie odegrane role” is a short experimental video, the result of cooperation between three friends, who became not only actors in the film but also – its protagonists. The script was created based on numerous group improvisations concerning the problems of the young generation, and the three friends gradually got to the point when it became difficult to separate the film set from reality. The plot begins when the protagonists are forces to move out, as for the past few months they were unable to find a job and, as a result, pay the rent. Michał Doroszenko is also the author of the script. Cinematography, lighting and colour correction by Konrad Wujciów, sound by Karolina Brzozowska. Cast: Klaudia Prabucka, Maria Plucińska and Michał Doroszenko.



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