- Song from the Forest, 98'
Song from the Forest
Production: GER 2013Song From The Forest documents the life of the US citizen Louis Sarno who has lived with the Bayaka Pygmies in the Central African jungle for the past 25 years. When Louis leaves with his son by his Bayaka wife Samedi for a journey to New York City, his seemingly utopian world goes off kilter. In a moving epic, Michael Obert sensitively draws the portrait of an exceptional person between two cultures, between giant forest trees and skyscrapers.
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- Michael Obert
Born in 1966 in Breisach on the Rhine, is an award-winning German book author and journalist writing mostly about Africa and the Middle East. His literary journalism appears among others in Sueddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, DIE ZEIT and ZEIT Magazin, GEO, Vogue, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and many other prestigious periodicals in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, as well as in Sunday Times Magazine, GQ France, The Journal (New York), Dagens Naringsliv (Oslo) and Himal Southasian (Katmandu). Song From The Forest is his first film.
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