About the artist
M. Dianela Torres is an audiovisual producer from Mexico City interested in experimental video and cinema. Currently working on thesis theme 'Expressive video and links to reflexive cinema' to gain her Broadcast & Media bachelors degree with a specialization in Audiovisual Production at UNAM (FCPyS). Her audiovisual work has been exhibited in Mexico, Germany, Spain, Portugal, England, Finland, Puerto Rico and United States.
Uno no es tan débil como para sucumbir ante situaciones así (2017), Juno (2017), Tótem #4 (2016), Instrucciones para hacer un film en un país subdesarrollado (2016), Instrucciones para dejar ir (2016), Sincronía (2016), Atmadja Duma (2015), Memoria (2015), Iza (2015), Nuestro Eco (2014), Huma (2013)