Water inundates a mountain village. Then we see maintenance work being done on a dam. The unspectacular, monotonous actions are in contrast to the breathtaking setting. This Alpine landscape at an altitude of thousands of metres was the scene of fighting during the First World War. Archive footage shows a battalion of soldiers climbing into the mountains through the snow, trenches being dug and guns being positioned. Finally pictures of the flooded mountain village. Fascinating images from far off places and times.

About the artist
Water inundates a mountain village. Then we see maintenance work being done on a dam. The unspectacular, monotonous actions are in contrast to the breathtaking setting. This Alpine landscape at an altitude of thousands of metres was the scene of fighting during the First World War. Archive footage shows a battalion of soldiers climbing into the mountains through the snow, trenches being dug and guns being positioned. Finally pictures of the flooded mountain village. Fascinating images from far off places and times.