Gaspar Noé

About the artist

Born in Buenos Aires. He studied philosophy at the Sorbonne and directing at École Louis-Lumière. He began with short films noticed at international festivals, incl. “Carne” (1991), which he continued in his full-length debut, “I Stand Alone” (1998). Th e works of Gaspar Noé caused a shock from the very beginning, showing the unknown face of France - its dark corners, where violence was born. The next film, “Irreversible” (2002), won the title of one of the most controversial films in the history of cinema. Th e director, focused on the topics of rejection, violence and sexuality, uses long shots and chiaroscuro, uses hand-shot photos, and in the soundtrack – persistent low noise. A visionary of contemporary cinema, experimenting with fl uid editing and psychedelia, he consistently exceeds the social taboos.


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