About the artist
Film critic, journalist, writer. Head of the reviews department for the monthly “Kino,” editor at the LGBT cultural-social magazine “Replika.” Works with “Dialog,” “Przekrój,” and the “dwutygodnik.com” portal. Co-host of the “Kino mówi” program on Alekino+ television and author of the “Czego nie widać” blog. Co-author of the books: “Homofobia po polsku” (“Homophobia in Polish”), “Autorzy polskiego kina” (“Authors of Polish cinema”), “Parametry pożądania” (“The parameters of desire”), and “Wajda. Przewodnik Krytyki Politycznej” (“Wajda. The Krytyka Polityczna Guide”). Author of the novels: “Trzech panów w łóżku, nie licząc kota” (“Three gentlemen in bed, not counting the cat”), “Ja, czyli 66 moich miłości” (“Me, that is 66 loves of mine”), and “Nieobecni” (“The absent”), as well as the collection of theatre plays “Erotica alla polacca.”